Utility Warehouse Mobile Internet Tariff
April 2024
 incl VATexcl VAT 
DestinationPeakEveningPeak WeekendEvening WeekendPeakEveningPeak WeekendEvening WeekendNotes (see below)

Texts - (price shown per text)

S M S (smson)0.00p0.00p2

Picture Texts - (price shown per text)

M M S (pic)24.00p20.00p2

Premium Texts - (price shown per text)

3rd Party Premium M M S (pic)24.00p20.00p2
M M S (pic)24.00p20.00p2
Premium Sms (pic)24.00p20.00p2

Data (GPRS) - (price shown per MB)

Gprs (gprs)1.40p1.17p1

Roamed Data (GPRS) - (price shown per MB)

Eu Roamed Gprs (gprs)1.40p1.17p1

Roamed texts - (price shown per text)

Eu Roamed Sms (smson)0.00p0.00p2

Non EU roamed data - (price shown per MB)

Roamed Gprs (rgp05)41.67p41.67p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp06)41.67p41.67p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp08)41.67p41.67p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp09)250.00p250.00p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp16)41.67p41.67p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp18)250.00p250.00p1
Roamed Gprs (rgp19)41.67p41.67p1
Notes (prices shown inc VAT)
Call times - All calls are charged at the same rate 24hrs a day every day of the year
1Minimum call charge of 3.60p. Charged in 1 second units. Minimum call duration of 1 seconds. Calls rounded up to next 1p.
2Minimum call charge of 4.80p. Charged in 1 second units. Minimum call duration of 1 seconds. Calls rounded up to next 1p.